Tomorrow is the first day of March and as we are standing outside Spring’s doors, with the equinox just a few days ahead, on the 20th of March, I feel like I’m more than ready for the sunnier days ahead. Especially considering the strange, humid and gloomy days we had been having here in Trieste. Spring is an amazing time of the year, full of refreshing energy which takes us out of the winter slumber, towards the shiny summer days. It’s a transitional season that leaves room for growth around us and within us. There are many ways of entering this spring feeling of fresh, vital energy, while appreciating and savoring the last crisp breaths of winter wind. It’s all about awakening our senses and exploring the changes in nature and ourselves as the new season begins. Here are some ways of immersing yourself into that spring feeling.
Surround yourself with colors.
Winter weather usually is pushing us to choose a more neutral palette for what we wear and surround ourselves with. Blacks and grays prevail during winter, but that doesn’t need to be the case for spring as well! Opt for a floral dress, buy some fresh colorful seasonal fruit to blend into a smoothie and wear that bright lipstick you haven’t been wearing for ages.
Start waking up earlier.
As days get longer and brighter is the best time of the year to start waking up a bit earlier with the help of the morning sun. While during the dark winter days, waking up early is very difficult as there isn’t enough sunlight in the morning to give you that extra kick., that changes during springtime. Leave your curtains or shutters open, to get the perfect early sunlight awakening.
Run, walk, dance.
Not only nature around us goes under changing during springtime, but also our bodies. Take advantage of the good days and go out for a run, notice the changes around you and fill your body with energy. If you aren’t the running type, spring is the best time to start a new activity that will refresh your body and mind, so go for a outdoor workout or yoga session or subscribe to that dance course you always wanted to try. The time is now!